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The Train's Still in the Station

I know, I know, we’ve already had this conversation.  But it’s going on two weeks now, and the ole digestive tract ain’t what it used to be for baby girl.

Without going into too much detail – even for mommies, there’s such a thing as TMI – she’s been moving in teeny tiny fits and starts.  But there’s still the straining and the crying and no real diaper to speak of.  The water and prune juice supplement recommended by the pediatrician is not helping at all, but that may be because she’s not drinking it at all.  She refuses to drink anything from the bottle except breast milk; water or juice and she just chews on the nipple, letting the liquid dribble down her face.  Not a pretty sight with the prune juice, trust me, and tough on the clothes to boot.
So where do I go from here?  I’ve got another call in to the pediatrician.  I’m half-hoping she’ll let me go the suppository route, but know that will only solve the immediate congestion and not address the increased traffic problem.  I’ve cut back her solids feeding; I’ve been doing three a day, with a bit of veggie and bit of fruit at each, and today only did two.  She’s showing less interest in solids the past couple days, but that may be simply because there’s literally no more room for storage!
If anyone’s got any suggestions, I’d sure love to hear them . . .


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